There were so many magical moments for Gary & Leslie on their wedding trip to California. First, the same tree painting that the couple have in their home in Dallas, just happened to be in the cottages that they rented in Point Reyes. Then, a sparrow flies through my shot right after they were wed on the mountaintop at Pierce Point Ranch. I did not notice it until later and couldn’t help but think that the bird showed up at the right moment and there was something more to that. My husband, who was officiating the wedding, told me that sometimes other people don’t hold as much weight to signs from the Universe like I do. But, Leslie told me later that the bird was significant to them as they have sparrow decorations all over their bedroom. But, she also mentioned that sparrows had always made her think of her grandpa who had been in the Navy when he was alive. Life is always giving us signs and confirmations. The moment that I found photography was when I really started paying attention. Leslie and Gary were meant to be on this mountaintop, in this cottage, at this time. July 7th 2014.
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