Headshot Tips
These tips are suggested for corporate-style head shots. Creative head shots are a different story and individual styling is more flexible. I will have some more resources on creative head shots later.
NEW Styled Headshots
We are now offering hair & makeup services with our headshot session.
Devo Dish | Fall Session
I looooooved this fall session that I did with Chelsea – whom I call “Blessings.” She is an amazing God-centered woman who just shines in the light – literally. Check out her Live Video every Saturday morning at 10am central on Devo Dish. She breaks down and elaborates on different spiritual books. I’ve personally gone…
Imagineducation Women
I had the opportunity to work with these amazing women some time back in a project for young girls. I wanted to showcase the headshots that we got during that time. Stunning, powerful, creative women.
Essential Headshots
I know that while a lot of us are staying at home, there are still a lot of businesses working more than ever to support us. I’ve been asked if I can still do headshots at this time. The answer is YES!! I can absolutely do a “headshot to go” if you need it and…
Creative Headshot Photo Session | Hip Hop Dance Instructor Cristian Don Juan
I really enjoy doing headshots for creative industries. Cristian is a hip hop dance instructor in Plano. Check out some of my favorite shots from his headshot session…. [wdsm_ad id=”11989″ class=” aligncenter” ]
Creative Headshot Session | Bailey
I shot this session awhile back with this special lady Bailey, an incredibly talented actress. I love how many different looks that we can achieve in studio. We also went outside to get a bit more creative with some natural light goodness. Bailey was a remarkable subject and I had to show off some of…
Glamour Session with Kay
I was so excited to work with Kay. We were roommates for two years and recently reunited. I totally enjoy every moment of helping women feel transformed through photography. My own life has been a symbol of transformation through this art form. So when I’m allowed to do that for another woman-I am doing EXACTLY…