Gabriel Turns TWO!

I can’t believe my baby is TWO already!! He is changing so fast and it is so hard to keep up with him.  We are finally hearing Gabriel put words together and he is able to communicate with us in his sweet little voice.  His favorite word is, “duck,” which he uses for everything including, milk, trucks, cars, and basically anything with wheels.  Speaking of trucks and cars, that is Gabriel’s favorite thing. He has pretty much traded in his stuffed animals for anything with wheels.  two year pictures

Gabriel is a little charmer.  When I take him out in public, he must get everyone’s attention, especially the ladies.  two year pictures

He is such a sweet boy.  If it was up to him though, he would never sleep. Sometimes he stands at the baby gate at his door at night and whines, “MOMMY…….MOMMY…….,” and when he doesn’t get a response, “DADDY……DADDY.”  We are convinced that he learned how to say our names by watching the whiny little brat Calliou on t.v.  This is his favorite show ever! two year pictures

Gabriel is very independent now.  He does not like for me to carry him anymore and instead prefers to walk.  This is terrifying when we are in, say a parking lot.  But, at least he has learned to hold my hand.  He also loves to help me clean. Sometimes I think he makes a mess on purpose just so that he can help.

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Gabriel is still a very picky eater.  Unfortunately, he gets this from me. But, just like me, he LOVES his corn.  He will eat it all directly off the cobb and then want our ears too.  two year pictures two year pictures

I would not say that Gabriel is a terrible two!! But, he does have his moments.  When he is upset and doesn’t get his way, he will burst into tears holding his face in his hands.  This technique actually breaks my heart and I have to give him hugs.  I’m pretty sure that he is aware that  it is working but, I just can’t stand seeing him so sad. When he is really mad, he will throw himself on the ground kicking and beating the floor. This is typical two year fashion, but it always makes Conor and I crack up.
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Thanks to one of my clients, Ally Smith, I decided to start doing a new series of sessions called “Baby loves….”  Of course I had to do a test on my little Gabriel. Eve though he is way past the milestone stages, I still can’t help documenting his growth and how he is changing.  If you are interested in these sessions, let me know.  More about that later.  I will have to post his one year photo side by side in a later blog so that you can see the growth. It really is incredible! He’s dang near caught up to me by now.  🙂 We love our little Gabriel.  I just can’t imagine being without him.  He brings a very special kind of joy to Conor and my life that was totally not present before.  And he is so funny and goofy.  Can’t wait to watch him grow up into a little man.
two year pictures


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